Amy Cheung
works bio contact
To Be a Famous Nobody
Tourism on Cloud
Wonderland Taxi
Hong Kong Handover
Airplane Tram
Transparent Container
Game and Terror
Toy Tank
$ on China
Atom Ocean
Indefinitive Portraiture
Pillowhead (2001-2005)
Pillowheads: Mutants of Eugene Inoesco’s Rhinoceros
The birth of pillowheads is an on-going photodocumentation- video performance project inspired by Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros.

It consists of recording the surroundings of 2 people, their reactions, and people’s reaction to them after their decision to be pillowheads. They exist normally, engage socially with different situations, while other people’s life roll on as usual. The result is published in the Handkerchief Photo Album.

We have experienced physical breathlessness by becoming pillowheads. It is of no coincidence that such breathlessness resembles any experience of being discriminated against, the related anger, the tearful speechlessness, the damage one feels caused by psychic deprivation and suffocation. It may not be hard for many people to share the resonance and reflect on the pillowhead syndrome in different context and in different countries.

The violent power to accept who are the “people” and who are “not” shall vanish forever. The enemy is not simple the category of human beings who are NOT us.
Despair arises from this act of separation, the construction of a self-isolating barrier.

We must end simple binary oppositions. Since 2 blank, faceless, gender-less, race-less, identity-less, religious-less pillowheads have already started to claim their right in drifting within a self-created non-discriminatory world. Why don’t you join?
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The Birth of Pillowheads
Live performance
Photo-documentation, video daily and publication of handkerchief photo album
Polarflex, Berlin, Germany, 2000 / Dialogue, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001 / BRRR festival for live art and performance, Porto, Portgual, 2001 / RE: Wanchai, Hong Kong, 2005
All Content © 2007 Amy Cheung